jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015


En clase de Atención Educativa, hemos estado hablando sobre la historia de San Valentín y sus diferentes versiones. Para celebrar ese día dibujamos un mural enorme en el que escribimos la historia y lo decoramos con corazones y mensajes de amor. También hicimos unos conejitos con cartulinas de colores con todas sus partes hechas de corazones!!!.
Os dejamos la historia para que la conozcáis y alguna foto para que veáis qué bonito nos quedó el mural.  

Valentine's Day is on 14th February. It's the traditional day of the year when you give cards, flowers, or chocolates to the person you love. People also sometimes send cards or give presents with anonymous messages, such as "Guess who loves you?" or "From your Valentine", and you must then guess who the card or present is from.
Valentine's Day started in Ancient Rome, but the history of the tradition is not clear. In one story, the Emperor of Rome did not allow his soldiers to marry and Valentine was a priest who secretly married young men and women who loved each other. 
In another story, Valentine was a prisoner in Ancient Rome and fell in love with the prison guard's daughter. Before he died, he sent the girl a message ande signed "From your Valentine". This story the history of the Valentine message that people still use today.

Some people think that the date of Valentine's Day is the day that Valentine died, whereas other people think that the date of Valentine's Day was originally to celebrate the start of spring.


World Water Day is marked on 22 March every year. It’s a day to celebrate water. It’s a day to make a difference for the members of the global population who suffer from water related issues. It’s a day to prepare for how we manage water in the future. 
In 2015, the theme for World Water Day is 'Water and Sustainable Development'. It’s about how water links to all areas we need to consider to create the future we want. 

Children of 2nd and 4th Primary celebrated the World Water Day with a big mural. You can see it in the hall of the school. Here we show you some photos.

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015


O pasado xoves día 12, os nen@s de 3º e 4º de Primaria saímos de excursión. Visitamos as instalacións da fábrica de froitos secos "El nogal". Nela puidemos ver todo o proceso produtivo; dende como chegaban os froitos á fábrica, ata como se preparaban e se envasaban. Incluso vimos un xeito novedoso de almacenalos para aforrar espacio. Despois diso, e de facer unha paradiña para merendar, visitamos os petróglifos de Mogor. Os monitores explicáronnos un pouco sobre o seu significado e a súa función. Ao final ensináronnos como se facía o lume na antigüidade. Foi moi espectacular! Para rematar comemos no Parque dos Sentidos, en Marín. Alí rematamos a xornada xogando e disfrutando do parque que é mooooi bonito.


jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015


Ola!Chámome Christian e hoxe tócame a min actualizar o blog.Vouvos falar do Carnaval.Nos fomos disfrazados do Capitán América,pero non fomos por todo Portonovo,fomos ao pavillón do colexio a desfilar.A min gustoume cando fomos ao comedor a comer filloas e orellas.
A sesión de discoteca gutoume porque había moitos disfraces para ver,ata os maiores ían disfrazados!